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Speedy and Accurate

Market Knowledge

From just $150.00

The Detail Best for Validity
> Speedy and Accurate.
> Almost as good as a certifed as it uses alot of the same techniques.
Most used by
Good for 60 days
after valuation.
The Desktop Valuation
  • A desktop valuation offers a more accurate valuation than a basic as the valuer will do more research and use more detailed methods to arrive at the valuation.
  • For buyers, these are great to give you a high level of confidence on what a bank or mortgage provider will value the property at when it comes to getting a mortgage. The valuers who work for hovr use the same systems as the banks panel of valuers and so they can give you a similar price and remove much of the risk that comes with buying and selling property.
  • For sellers and investors a desktop valuation will deliver accurate results that give better certainty on equity levels and make forward planning simpler. If you are a seller and the property does sell for a higher price then this becomes your unplanned upside.
Terms & Conditions
  • hovr acts as an agent connecting people wanting valuations with valuers that operate in the area that the property sits in.
  • All of the valuers on our platform are certified and must maintain their registration with either the API (Australian Property Institute) or the AVI (Australian Valuers Institute). Governance and independence is key to a fair market.
  • All information provided by hovr and the site is intended to be general in nature and is not personal financial product advice. It does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on any information, you should consider the appropriateness of the information provided and the nature of the relevant financial product having regard to your objectives, financial situation and needs. In particular, you should seek independent financial advice .
  • Full terms and conditions are available in the links below.